water. After World War II, atomic energy seemed like it could solve all the world's problems. What would happen if you tried to hit a baseball pitched at 90% the speed of light? Partway down the side of that skyscraper there's a flagpole sticking out, sans flag! The New START, signed by then-presidents Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev in 2010, limits each country to no more than 1,550 deployed nuclear warheads and 700 deployed missiles and bombers. The problem is, we already know there would be no point. "Apart from the fact that this might not even alter the storm, this approach neglects the problem that the released radioactive fallout would fairly quickly move with the tradewinds to affect land areas and cause devastating environmental problems,"NOAA's hurricane page states. 40000 people and some magic. What if a glass of water was, all of a sudden, literally half empty? James P. Kossin, a researcher with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration who was part of the study, says flat out, "We're making these storms more deleterious." What if you released a submarine into Jupiter's atmosphere? Hurricane Illinois-Has-It-Too-Easy comes from somewhere to the northwest, goes through Illinois, and then back to the northwest. But because there are 7800 million $100 bills in circulation and about a billion are produced each year, your bills won't make much of a dent in the US economy, let alone the global economy. What if you were flashing your BIOS during a thunderstorm and you got hit by lightning? A bizarre 60-year-old idea to fight hurricanes using nuclear weapons resurfaced this week after Axios reported that President Trump raised the possibility with his national security advisors.. Honestly, my main motivation is to baffle someone in the distant future, but it's an interesting scientific question: what would happen to my body in orbit over the course of years, decades or centuries? Enters from the east side of the map, wanders around the Atlantic Ocean in a . More details. Would it be possible for two teams in a tug-o-war to overcome the ultimate tensile strength of an iron rod and pull it apart? For the answer, the universe would be destroyed. Liquid gallium? improbable typhoon interaction, the overall effect of the bomb isnt We still need to complete some explanations like this one: 1608: Hoverboard. Is it possible to build a jetpack using downward firing machine guns? More details.. The tree and splash would be great. How many flyby runs would it take to stop Jupiter completely? We could possibly spend a ton of money and resources to get a probe to Voyager. If you made an elevator that would go to space (like the one you mentioned in the billion-story building) and built a staircase up (assuming regulated air pressure) about how long would it take to climb to the top? What would kill me first? How long would the Sun last if a giant water hose were focused upon it? This work is licensed under a I've been told that if the Earth were shrunk down to the size of a bowling ball, it would be smoother than said bowling ball. For over 20 years, from 1962 to 1983, the fabulously named Project STORMFURY used simulations, as well as four actual hurricanes as test subjects, to see if cloud seeding with silver iodine would reduce a major storm even a little. The nuclear explosion at the Marshall Islands-which irradiated . detonated, and at 11 kilometers, the Mariana(s) Trench is the deepest Give the signmakers some credit. Just under four years passed before a new What If. When (if ever) did the Sun finally set on the British Empire? Rough estimates indicate that the inundation If, on the other hand, you're being attacked by a coyote, it's higher top speed means you'll have only one chance to hit it. The Great Hurricane of 1780 is estimated to have killed more than 20,000 people when it hit the Caribbean. It would be a bunch of boulders with some patches of sand. Between the famine and the fires, most life on Earth is }}, xkcd.com is best viewed with Netscape Navigator 4.0 or below on a Pentium 31 emulated in Javascript on an Apple IIGS, https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/log_scale.png, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. First two months break of at least two in a row, the 15th break in total. How much of the Earth's currently-existing water has ever been turned into a soft drink at some point in its history? typically takes the question beyond the original scope likely intended by the reader and takes it to some extreme for humorous effect. How dangerous is it to be in a pool during a thunderstorm? In fact, weve actually tried it a bunch of times. The eight two weeks break, 14th break in total. Let's assume there's life on the the nearest habitable exoplanet and that they have technology comparable to ours. Would it eventually reach a point where it would float? The article 137 from July 14, 2015 was about the New Horizons probe. The first couple dozen ideas scientists came up with were totally ineffective, but the next big breakthrough could be right around the corner. First of all, it would not stand under its own weight. I'm curious, though, what would happen if one person had all of the world's money? That turbulent warm water is actually quite substantial. We were both (luckily) amazed and surprised and I have often wondered what the odds are for something like that happening. What would actually happen? They often predict the complete annihilation of humankind, or at least a really big explosion. The release date in the archive is the wrong month June. Should the person survive, what would be the number of bouncy balls needed to kill them? Can you use a magnifying glass and moonlight to light a fire? Not in a "scatter my ashes" sense, but, like, "throw my naked corpse out the airlock" sense. Don't take any chances. What a great splish-splash that would be! What a great axe that would be! How long of a fall would I need in order for the balloon to slow me enough that I could land safely? The basic idea goes like this-the Pentagon should bomb the eye of a tropical storm, thereby dispersing it and saving countless lives and millions of dollars. How much physical space does the internet take up? Then, while falling, I release the helium and fill the balloon. At 53 megatons, the Tsar Bomba was the most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated, and at 11 kilometers, the Mariana (s) Trench is the deepest part of the ocean. This was announced on xkcd on January 31st when the comic 2575: What If? 2 book, in. into the atmosphere, they heat to a glowlike meteorsigniting global If your cells suddenly lost the power to divide, how long would you survive? After effectively describing what would occur as a nuclear explosion, leveling the stadium and the surrounding mile radius, he concludes with the note "A careful reading of official Major League Baseball Rule 6.08(b) suggests that in this situation, the batter would be considered 'hit by pitch', and would be eligible to advance to first base.". Jack W. Reed began his military career as an Air Force meteorologist during the closing days of World War II. It would not have a big impact unless it happened during the space age. It's certainly the farthest from Earth we know about. Since then only three more articles were released in 2016, the first two with about 8 weeks between them and then more than 12 weeks. ", In August 2019, the news website Axios wrote that sources who heard the president's private remarks in recorded comments in a National Security Council (NSC) memorandum claimed to have heard Trump asking top national security officials to "consider using nuclear bombs to weaken or destroy hurricanes. Then from August 2014 there came several two week breaks, one in August, one in September and two in November, the last lasting three weeks into December, and on top of that the normal two weeks Christmas break. Uranium: 76 000 000 On their website,NOAA writes, "Maybe the time will come when men and women can travel at nearly the speed of light to the stars, and we will then have enough energy for brute-force intervention in hurricane dynamics. Answer: NO!!!!! If an asteroid was very small but supermassive, could you really live on it like the Little Prince? How much Force power can Yoda output?). When they reached Of course, thats getting a little far-fetched. The destruction hurricanes leave in their wake is epic. Trench. The Mariner 1 has traveled much farther than Voyager 1. National Geographic says it was a meteorologist named Jack W. Reed who first pitched the idea of using nukes peacefully, by dropping them on hurricanes. With today's technology, would it be possible to launch an unmanned mission to retrieve Voyager I? Chris Landsea, science and operations officer at the National Hurricane Center wrote (via Live Science), "About 80 of these disturbances form every year in the Atlantic basin, but only about 5 become hurricanes in a typical year. What path would you trace on the Earth? For that matter, which war has the highest movie time:war time ratio? (In other words, how long could we chuck nukes at hurricanes until our nuclear arsenal ran out?). less than an hour to encircle the Earth. This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). What If We Nuked A Hurricane? My son (5y) asked me today: If there were a kind of a fireman's pole from the Moon down to the Earth, how long would it take to slide all the way from the Moon to the Earth? Which has a greater gravitational pull on me: the Sun, or spiders? Weather Bureau said he could "imagine the possibility someday of exploding a nuclear bomb. Were they lonely? Ever since J. Robert Oppenheimer headed the discovery of the atomic devices on July 16th 1945--on both sides of the planet, governments the world over have raced to stockpile the most efficient of. quickly-expanding spherical cavity of hot steam. Obviously, my boyfriend had to go without pizza until he landed at JFK. Surprisingly littleespecially compared to what would happen if you put This can never happen, even if we were to throw Earth at Jupiter. Randall Munroe left NASA in 2005 to start up his hugely popular site XKCD 'a web comic of romance, sarcasm, math and language' which offers a witty take on the world of science and geeks. Other than being a really bad idea, what effect would it have? The result would be some kind of nuclear explosion. As gravity slows you and brings you to a halt, you reach the top of the skyscraper, where you reach out and pull yourself to safety. Surely NOAA would tell people to dream big? tsunamis. This second article was released on the same day as the first, probably to get the blog going, and let users of xkcd see that there was going to be more. It turns out, you'd need a lot of nukes and a lot of power. So during the summer of 2016, it seemed it was down to about one release every two months but then it increased. But the next one (#154) was indeed released only a bit more than week after the one with 15 weeks break, and then less than 3 weeks after followed yet an article on February 28 2017. In reality, the oceans arent that deep. Would I need to dive to actually experience a fatal amount of radiation? What if we recreated the film "Armageddon," but instead of an asteroid, it was a massive storm; instead of Ben Affleck, it was just some guy; and instead of a nuclear bomb it was actually, no, it would still be a nuclear bomb. Assuming you are in a area with a reasonable amount of birds. Could it navigate? How close would you have to be to a supernova to get a lethal dose of neutrino radiation? What's the worst thing that can happen if you misuse a pressure cooker in an ordinary kitchen? Needless to say, this is not a good idea.". From here on there is no longer any standard release days. Within a dozen or so seconds, the bubble shrinks to a minimum size, then approach Iwo Jima as a radioactive whirlwind. The bubble grows to about a kilometer across in a couple of seconds. As plastic is made from oil and oil is made from dead dinosaurs, how much actual real dinosaur is there in a plastic dinosaur? Never use the Math markup language at the transcript. He also says this isn't the end, that over the long term, "the risk landscape could change, and in a bad way, not in a good way. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. You would have to go 200m/s. We kept the chairs for five years but despite laborious attempts it couldn't be reproduced. 70% of the time you would end up in the ocean. 53,000,000 megatons is approximately the energy of the Chicxulub impact. If all the men were one man, The world just has too many people. All that changes when this cat enters the equation: Lets say that when Im typing the above equation, the cat hops onto my What if I made a lava lamp out of real lava? 0 618: Asteroid 696: Strip Games 786: Exoplanets 809: Los Alamos Hurricane Florence battered the US East Coast last year. It's the winds that need to be slowed down to stop a hurricane, and nukes would be laughably ineffective at it. According to the 1993 World Almanac, the entire human race used energy at a rate of 1013 watts in 1990, a rate less than 20% of the power of a hurricane.". If Michael Phelps could hold his breath indefinitely, how long would it take for him to reach the lowest point in the ocean and back if he swam straight down and then straight back up? As long as you don't touch strange things and you don't swim too close to the fuel rods, it would be just like a regular pool. Business, Economics, and Finance. Luckily for the coast, later research paints a less dire picture. no wave of any consequence will be generated.. This is potentially hazardous to some ships, but Dotted lines indicating hurricane paths cover the map, all red except where noted. Why can't we do that? This was such a shocking report, even by Trump standards, that Joe Biden brought it up at the first presidential debate in 2020. How much volume would they take up and what would they look like? Kerry Emanuel, a hurricane expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said, "When you see things going up all over the globe like that, the ducks are kind of in order." Not even mad scientists, but respected ones. Almost nobody would find their soul mate. Trump allegedly continued, "asking incredulously how many hurricanes the U.S. could handle." A hurricane can release the amount of energy in a 10-megaton nuke every 20 minutes, the NOAA article says. What a great tree that would be! 6, but they would cost much more than you could afford. If you went outside and lay down on your back with your mouth open, how long would you have to wait until a bird pooped in it? Unlike other sites which answer readers' questions, what if? So being a person on a budget what's the best way to use my free faucet to generate electricity? I saw a sign at a hot springs tub saying "Caution: Water is hotter than average" with water at about 39C. column of heat creates a hot spot in the oceanmany degrees warmer than Slackers. If every country's airspace extended up forever, which country would own the largest percentage of the galaxy at any given time? would reach to a height of 200-300 feet above sea level, or a distance Thisis what it looks During a segment on climate change in the first presidential debate, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden claimed that Republican President Donald Trump's plan for managing hurricanes once included dropping a nuclear weapon in one. His responses are masterpieces of clarity and hilarity, studded with memorable cartoons and infographics. What's the likelihood this could happen? The heat release is equivalent to a 10-megaton nuclear bomb exploding every 20 minutes. Even the U.S. government got involved in a big way. 'My friend and I were arguing about what would happen if a bullet got struck by lightning, and we agreed that you should resolve it . The question is, how many vehicles would it take to build a car-bridge across the Atlantic? With close to 15 weeks this was the second longest break between articles so far. Would we ever generate enough power to offset the cost of the generators? What percentage of the Sun's heat (per day) does the population of Earth eat in calories per year? "The short answer is 'no,'" Hugh Willoughby, a professor and hurricane researcher at Florida International University and total buzzkill, told Florida Today. Would it flow once it's set up? If the energy released in a tropical disturbance were only 10% of that released in a hurricane, it's still a lot of power, so the hurricane police would need to dim the whole world's lights many times a year. Well, sort of. If we could convert the energy to build the Great Pyramid, would it be enough to send a rocket to the Moon and back? As far back as 1984, Trump has talked about the threat and promise of nuclear. Why not nuke a hurricane? book on 12 March 2014 in the blag. After acknowledging that the question has been answered elsewhere, he recaps the result, but then focuses more intently on the unasked resulting issue of the aftermath of everyone on Earth being magically transported to one location as they all try to return home. Assuming you had a good coat, you would survive to the death zone and die. Sanvu could whip up a spray containing fallout from the blast, and If our Twitter timelines (tweets by the people we follow) actually extended off the screen in both directions, how tall would they be? Her 13-year-old friend would then drive the Ferrari around, while she sits in the chair enjoying uninterrupted views of the countryside. How long could I stay safely at the surface? At what point in human history were there too many (English) books to be able to read them all in one lifetime? the coast, the waves would be no worse than those from a bad storm. Hurricanes emit a mind-boggling amount of energy. How quickly would the ocean's drain if a circular portal 10 meters in radius leading into space was created at the bottom of Challenger Deep, the deepest spot in the ocean? the only thing to do would be to make a swimming pool. (I don't know why six feetbut that's what he asked.). How would the Earth change as the water is being drained? (Also, Randall misspelled Bethlehem). What if there was a robot apocalypse? But those are waves from an explosion close to the surface. Is it possible for a spacecraft to control its reentry in such a way that it avoids the atmospheric compression and thus would not require the expensive (and relatively fragile) heat shield on the outside? (The Metric System). You angle your descent and grab the pole just long enough to swing around so that when you let go you're now heading back up toward the sky. How much would the sea level fall if every ship were removed all at once from the Earth's waters? What if I tried to re-enter the atmosphere in my car? In terms of human-made objects, has Voyager 1 travelled the farthest distance? Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. 8000+ feet)? Stopping rain from falling on something with an umbrella or a tent is boring. These turned out to be the remains of North American forests On June 1, Democratic Texas Representative Sylvia Garcia introduced the Climate Change and Hurricane Correlation and Strategy Act, which would explicitly prohibit the president or any other federal agency official from using a nuclear bomb or other "strategic weapon" to alter weather patterns or addressing climate change. Magic, because science just works like that. 65-million-year-old Chicxulub impact sitethis 2 book. No, but it does make some really cool patterns. Now I've realized that a flamethrower is impractical, but what about a high-powered microwave emitter? This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. And mess they did. If everybody in the US drove west, could we temporarily halt continental drift? "He made it up. After this less orderly period there came a period of 10 weeks in a row with 10 releases starting on January 1, 2015. If you carry a penny in your coin tray, how long would it take for that penny to cost you more than a cent in extra gas? Hurricanes are extremely powerful: A fully developed hurricane releases the same amount of energy as the explosion of a 10-megaton nuke every 20 minutes, the NOAA article says. There is an easy way to link to a given what if? What if every virus in the world were collected into one area? After two 8 weeks breaks this one waited almost three months. If the Hubble telescope were aimed at the Earth, how detailed would the images be? So basically, even if nuking a hurricane could move more air than is even conceivable, we'd still have a small hurricane on our hands. I was absentmindedly stirring a cup of hot tea, when I got to thinking, "aren't I actually adding kinetic energy into this cup?" it would split into many islands and the Netherlands will take over. Category:Hurricanes - explain xkcd. Regarding the question it could be done, but why did the guy asking the question whish to do such a horrible thing Randall ends up asking back. 30 years to walk, much longer for the sentence. The finger holes would collapse and then not much would happen. If we hooked turbines to people exercising in gyms, how much power could we produce? However, Trump called the site's story "ridiculous" in a tweet, adding, "I never said this. The This site is not under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License like xkcd is. During the first presidential debate, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden claimed that Republican President Donald Trump once considered detonating a nuclear device inside of a hurricane to stop it. convulsions. And, for reasons we'll get into, it would be. People, in other words, have spent a good deal of time coming up with ideas for stopping hurricanes. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. shooter is at sea level and catcher is up a mountain at the extreme range of the gun. The website of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the U.S. government agency that tracks changes in weather and ocean conditions, has a page explaining why scientists don't recommend disrupting hurricanes with nuclear weapons. expand into a bubble 70 miles across. ", The site wrote that during a hurricane briefing, which occurred early into the first year of Trump's presidency, Trump allegedly said, "[Hurricanes] start forming off the coast of Africa, as they're moving across the Atlantic, we drop a bomb inside the eye of the hurricane and it disrupts it. The problem, though, is that hurricanes emit a mind-boggling level of energy. If all the seas were one sea, With less than 3 weeks between releases, releases seems to have become more regular in the beginning of 2017. bookprovides Has humanity produced enough paint to cover the entire land area of the Earth? 95 minutes at the right place at the right time. Later he released a different countdown with comic 2636: What If? guns? Most of the time it would not hit anyhing. I figured this would be long enough to warm me up but not long enough to harm me. If all the axes were one axe, My daughter age 4.5 maintains she wants a billion-story building. More details.. has not stopped but the first comic in 2017 (#153, January 30, 2017) came almost 15 weeks after the last in 2016, more than three months between releases. pressure from that six miles of water overhead causes it to collapse. terrifying passage describing the detonation of a submerged gigaton mine The release date in the archive is the wrong year 2014. No underwater test has involved bombs anywhere near See the [[what if]] ''{{what if|147|Niagara Straw}}''. A decade or a century, depending if Facebook would still be popular. "By the way," he continued, gesturing to Trump, "he has an answer for hurricanes. (Assuming the average composition of rock were maintained.). It's very unpromising. But what about the edge of ultracentrifuges, or generator turbines that have been running for years, for example? Those storms don't even get names, so they can't be that big a deal. What If? NOAA, who are so obviously at the end of their rope on this subject, explained how radioactive fallout making it to land after we nuke a hurricane is less than ideal. Tried it a bunch of boulders with some patches of sand or generator turbines that been. 30 years to walk, much longer for the answer, the 15th break in total, generator! Springs tub saying `` Caution: water is hotter than average '' with water at about 39C big unless... A lethal dose of neutrino radiation many ( English ) books to be able to read all... They ca n't be reproduced 70 % of the Sun, or at least a big! Take up month June some credit ineffective, but Dotted lines indicating hurricane paths cover map. Bios during a thunderstorm this site is not a good deal of time coming up with were totally,. Not a good deal of time coming up with were totally ineffective, but the next big breakthrough could right. Is estimated to have killed more than 20,000 people when it hit the Caribbean to... 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