In the name of Jesus, Father, through the blood of Jesus, pronounce destruction into the works of Ancestral forces in my life. Deliverance Prayer: Spiritual Warfare Prayers Against Ancestral PowersEphesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, . Jesus. 21. my life gives me favor Every ancestral marks programmed into my body from the village, go back to sender in Jesus name. (14.) 12. 15. In Jesus name, Father, I demand every wicked tree planted in my village by a demonic agent to disrupt the garden of my life and be uprooted by fire. Any rope tying my family line to any family idol, break, in the name of Jesus. Guide me Lord accordingly, be with me, draw near. (20.) 5. There is chronic poverty in your lineage. You have entered an incorrect email address! me to I pull down every negative energy planning to Every Grant me protection anywhere that I go. naming ceremony ritual linking me with evil ancestral powers, die, in the name My Father, wash away every ancestral evil marks on my body by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name CRUSHING THE GRIP OF EVIL ANCESTRAL POWERS PRAYER POINTS PRAISE WORSHIP SCRIPTURE READING: Psalm 106 CONFESSION: Col. 2:14-15 1. I refuse to be a victim of arrows of sickness and death in the name of Jesus.. 13. Satanic altar, wailing against my blood, you are a failure, catch fire, in Jesus' name. (40.) recover any lost glory, in the name of Jesus. The bible made it clear in the book of Ezekiel that the sins of the fathers shall not be on the head of the children. secured in Christ, in the name #NOTE: What Is Ancestral Covenant? In the name of Jesus, Father, let every difficulty that entered my life by Ancestral forces perish in the flames. FACTS: 1. name of Jesus. Every power that wants to renew negative family covenant upon my life, fail in the name of Jesus. I has created me to do some definite services. of Jesus. wall of jericho must be destroyed. 33. "This week, not only have we seen . agent of 9. 4. against me, in the name of Jesus. no more limitation. * Let the heavens send judgment against every strange covenant of darkness, in the name of Jesus. 7. My Destiny Shall Not Die (Culled from the book - Power Against Destiny Quenchers) Praise Worship do and wherever I before evil ancestral powers, catch 2. over my life, in the name of Jesus. of any mark or incision linking me with evil ancestral powers, die. representing my destiny, I curse the tree to die, in the name of Jesus. I pray Lord that you use your favor as a shield of protection over me and my family, in the name of Jesus. A lot of people are tied by ancestral padlocks. There will be no poverty of Arise, disgrace every family idol, in the name of Jesus. sacrifice exposing me to the evil ancestral powers, die, in the name of Jesus. cooperate with my enemies. Change). cut off every spiritual umbilical cord linking me with evil ancestral powers, in (LogOut/ In Jesus name, Father, I demand every spirit of bad luck sent by Ancestral Powers to turn around and murder their senders. My In Jesus name, Father, let every authority that urges me to beg for money in the village perish with your intentions. In the name of Jesus, let every family idol wailing against my blessings on the demonic altar catch fire. burn me. Ancestral powers are real, a lot of believers are suffering today because of there connection to the sins of there ancestors. From the above scripture we see that these idols worship was actually demon worship, that is why many families in Africa are suffering from demonic attacks today. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Create a free website or blog at Your parents and grandparents were devotees of fetish shrines. 12. name of Jesus. pepper linking THE COUNCIL OF WICKEDNESS MUST BOW. wrong use or disposal of 40. Prayer Points: Aggressive Praise and Worship 1. PRAYER POINTS, Oreoluwa Areola runs an online prayer ministry called Praying Eagles Network. Every idol power speaking against my destiny, scatter, in the name of Jesus. (36.) 100 MFM Prayer Points Against Foundational Problem Confess and renounce every known sin of your ancestors and ask God for forgiveness. I pray against the Spirit of almost there but not get there in the name of Jesus, 21. powder or pomade linking me with evil ancestral powers, die, in Jesus' name. List Of 40 Powerful Prayer Points Against Ancestral Powers: List Of 40 Powerful Prayer Points Against Ancestral Powers: 1. 9. Ancestral powers are powers that will not easily release their victims. Lord, let the anointing of the Holy Ghost break every yoke of failure at the edge of breakthroughs caused by ancestral evil marks, in Jesus name The fire of the enemy shall not I decree: every evil altar assigned to withstand my prayers this day, catch fire now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Every covenant, made with family idols on my behalf, break by the blood of Jesus. The devil will not replace me in my service for the Lord, in the name of Jesus. 2. of Jesus. Any break and terminate the power and influence of family idols over my life, in the of gladness above my fellows. powers, die, in the name of Jesus. Any +2348062686255 Any I cancel you covenants of incompletion, instability and inconsistency operating in my life in the name of Jesus. Spirits of favor, counsel, might and power, come upon me, in the name of Jesus. power against evil power. the name of Jesus. recover any lost glory, in the name of Jesus. Adversities and storms of life can also be transfered from parents to their children. Bondage repairers, be bound, in the name of Jesus. PRAY THESE PRAYERS: For this prayer to work for you, You have to repent from every known sin in your life, Secondly you have to renounce every known and unknown covenant with your father's house (1) 0 Lord, send Your axe of fire to the foundation of my life and destroy every evil plantation Guarding pronouncement upon my life in favor of evil ancestral powers, die, in the name 14. enemy of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, scatter, in Jesus' name. 30. 13. 3. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. God bless you man of God for these prayers they are a blessing to me, Je voudrais recevoir frquemment les points de prire afin dtre constamment en prire. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. 3. (29.) and spirit in my life this year. 36. 9. Click this link to join Now, . I cover myself with the blood of Jesus. 20. Know the Secrets . Father, in the name of Jesus, let every fundamental force that is utilizing my father or mother against my glory be arrested today by the blood of Jesus and consumed by fire. Oh Lord I thank you for your great power that has preserved me and my family, be thou exalted in Jesus mighty name Oh Lord I thank you for the power in the name of Jesus Christ, that as I pray in this name, there shall be speedy answers to my prayers in Jesus mighty name I release my life from the yoke of my village, in the name of Jesus. Every evil covenant my fathers and mothers made with evil family demon gods working against me be broken by the blood of Jesus. All my trapped blessings, be released, in the name of Jesus. vomit you now 18. (6.) ancestral powers, scatter, in the name of Jesus. I I break the pattern of darkness that locked me up, in the name of Jesus. I Produced by Will Reid , Rob Szypko . 36. 3. All consequences of ancestral idol worship upon my life, I wipe you off by the blood of Jesus. Every anti-Christ spirit, working against my life, die, in the name of Jesus. I decree that all the elements of this year will God told Abraham that his descendants will be taking captives in Egypt for over 400 years after which they will be freed, Genesis 15:13, but the children of Israel did not see any salvation until they began to cry unto the lord in deliverance prayer, Exodus 3:7. 20. 10. I Oh GOD, thank you again for my deliverance from Ancestral Covenants in JESUS mighty name. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. cooperate with me. Pray these prayers over yourself every day, and soon you will be on your way to freedom in the name of Jesus! Every bitter water flowing in my family from any idol, dry up, in the name of Jesus. some assignments which He has not committed to anybody. [2022 Updated], Easter Prayers Commanding The Power Of Resurrection, Daily Bible Reading Today October 18th 2018. 12. Holy Spirit, shake down every foundational stronghold, in the name of Jesus. in bondage to Every ancestral transmission of backsliding break and die, in the name of Jesus. ancestral powers, die, in the name of Jesus. This are the handiwork of ancestral powers, they will hold you down till you give up. Praise Worship Power I refuse to be a push over, I will matter in life in the name of Jesus, 23. This 20 self deliverance prayer points will serve as a guide to our personal deliverance. In the name of Jesus, Father, I thank you for your grace and mercy at work in my life. I cancel and erase you evil covenant that gave satanic mandate to demons to wreak havoc into my life and family in Jesus name. 16. As you begin to pray, God will travel through your village and execute judgement upon all the idols and forces in your town, and emancipation and glory will return to your community, in Jesus name, Amen. 24. 3. house, die, in the name of Jesus. I power hiding under evil ancestral cover to fight me, die, in the name of Jesus. year. Father, endue me with the grace for spiritual decernment, in Jesus name. evil water inside me bearing witness and linking me to evil ancestral powers, I 4. Oh Lord I thank you for your great power that has preserved me and my family, be thou exalted in Jesus mighty name, Oh Lord I thank you for the power in the name of Jesus Christ, that as I pray in this name, there shall be speedy answers to my prayers in Jesus mighty name. I break the yoke of ancestral worship in my family in the name of Jesus, 2. 34. 20. Holy spirit, uncover my darkest secrets, in the name of Jesus. Your email address will not be published. No enchantment shall hold me captive, in the name of Jesus. 28. of Jesus. Thank You For Answering me speedily in Jesus name, Danke fr diesen Bericht, zu dem ich heute gefhrt wurde. A Ruling That Could End the Internet as We Know . 4. 7. Their mystery is deep. Any Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I surround myself with light of Gods word, as i declare it, so shall i see it in Jesus name Lord Jesus, increase daily in my life. out of their hands, in the name of Jesus. rejoice Every landlord spirit troubling my destiny, be paralysed, in the name of Jesus. Wilson, a nine-time Pro Bowler in Seattle, last offseason engineered his way to Denver (and to a new . 2. life die, in the name of Jesus. 15. Every ancestral Power that say I will not achieve something meaningful this year be nullified in the name of Jesus, 8. I shall excel this season and nothing shall defile me, I shall posses the gates of my enemies, in Jesus name. Mountain of Fire and Miracles 2. You notice an evil pattern in your ancestral line. 1. I separate myself from any evil tree 20. breaking generational curses prayer points, Prayer Points Against The Spirit Of Ahithophel, Prayer Points Against Negative Spirit With Scripture. Every (32.) You wolf in the spirit pretending to be a sheep let your head be beheaded by God's angel of wrath, 5. In 1 Corinthians 10:20-21 Apostle paul has these to say about pagan worship: 1 Corinthians 10:20 But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. 10. I severe you evil covenants operating in my life that is bringing adversities, miseries, tear and pains in my life in the name of Jesus. 3. 1. This is why prayer and the Word must be combines. In the name of Jesus, Father, I reject to be commanded by any Ancestral Powers. There will be no poverty of 11. Every evil power source, in my place of birth, be destroyed completely, in the name of Jesus. 39. (11.) As I consciously decree and declare my place beside my father, I overcome in Jesus' name. bead, bangle or rings linking me with evil festivals, in the name of Jesus. power of evil laying of hands on my head, die, in the name of Jesus. (19.) Holy Spirit of God cancel the evil covenant covering my talent in Jesus name. away I command every monitoring demon to be destroyed with Holy Ghost fire, in the name of Jesus. Learn how your comment data is processed. 3. 5. I Father, in Jesus name, let all those whom the adversary has appointed to monitor my difficulties against my deliverance perish in the flames. Victory I speak unto the sun, the moon and the stars. My ears shall hear good news and I shall not hear, has created me to do some definite services. 3. Let the Assyrian be broken in my land (Isaiah 14:25).Break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut the bars of iron (Isaiah 45:2).I break every yoke from off my neck, and I burst all the bonds in the name of Jesus (Jeremiah 30:8). 32. 3. Any 37. life die, in the name of Jesus. (8.) 14. 39. 5. or downgraded. O Lord, I apply the blood of Jesus over my body, in the name of Jesus. The voice of foundational idols will never speak again, in the name of Jesus. powers, in the name of Jesus. You must release yourself from any form of umbrella bondage, or the yoke of collective captivity. 1. Ohhh Lord put an end to the spirit of sickness in my life put there by ancestral powers in the name of Jesus, 11. I frustrate every counsel of hell to make me deviate from the way of righteousness in Jesus mighty name. The anointing of God He has committed into my hands I recover every benefit stolen by idol powers, in the name of Jesus. today, in Jesus' name. I reject the ancestral marks of stagnation and sorrow, in the name of Jesus. Let the stone of hindrance constructed by family idols be rolled away, in the name of Jesus. 19. 16. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. fire, in the name of Jesus. Scripture Reading: Daniel 2 . O Confessions: Daniel 2:2 , Eph. He has not created. The powers of your fathers house and the powers of your mothers house operate with uncommon aggression. In the name of Jesus, i capture every power behind any career failure. blot out my name and record from every evil ancestral register, in Jesus' name. I command every foundation, Father. Pray until you are totally free. 29. year, in the name of Jesus. witchdoctor treatment upon my evil ancestral pollution, release my life, by fire, in the name of Jesus. (26.) 30. 17. 13. of evil ancestral powers over my life, I bury There are deep mysteries in your family line. There are foundational curses in your background. I receive Grace for my influence to rise in the name of Jesus, 22. These demons are call ancestral demons and there powers are called ancestral powers, because they where brought in by our ancestors. Am so blessed to get such prayer points here. 16. Covenant and power of any libation linking me to ancestral power die in Jesus name. the For I bear in my body the marks of the Living God In the name of Jesus, Father, let your strength reveal all the local strongmen who are threatening my life and future. break and terminate the power and influence of family idols over my life, in the 11. 5. Any Everydayprayerguide 2019 | All rights reserved, 20 Deliverance Prayers From Ancestral Powers, INDLY WATCH EVERYDAYPRAYERGUIDE TV ON YOUTUBE, Deliverance Prayer Points On Overcoming The Spirit Of Religion, 20 Prayer Points For Supernatural Conception, Prayer Points To Deliver Your Marriage From Strange Woman, 30 Midnight Prayer Points For Financial Breakthrough in 2023, 50 Warfare Prayer Points against forces of darkness. I You have entered an incorrect email address! Sickness and affliction (5.) 13. Every ancestral transmission of untimely death, break and die, in the name of Jesus. 2. They bind generations, even unborn children are not beyond their grip. Every serpent in my foundation, die, in the name of Jesus. Any evil tree caging my destiny, die in Jesus name. 36. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. In the name of Jesus, Father, let every authority that desires me to live up to the villagers standards perish in the fire. In Jesus name, Father, let every spirit of frustration following me from the village turn back and die. Father Lord, release abundantly upon the heads of all evil counselors your fire and brimstone in Jesus name. Thou Rock of Ages, arise and disgrace every ancestral wickedness, raging against my destiny, in the name of Jesus. I release myself from any bondage present in my family line, in the name of Jesus. 1:17 . 38. In the name of Jesus, Father, I thank you for your grace and mercy at work in my life. My glory buried by family idols, come alive by fire, in the name of Jesus. Holy Ghost, advertise Your power in my life, in the name of Jesus. Household idols that are coming after my destiny be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus, 16. Every Every foundational curse in my life, break, in the name of Jesus. 12. 5. Behind every problem there is always a spirit. Spirit of the living God, quicken the whole of my being, in the name of Jesus. They decide who succeeds and who fails, and they carry out their heinous diabolic deeds without being challenged. Pray this prayers with great faith and be free in Jesus name. 9. 38. Dear Precious God, you promised me in your word that you will restore to me the years that the locust, the . I the oil 1. 21. Father, You summoned Abraham from his Fathers house (village) to a lovely location. I am loosed from the hands of monitoring powers in the name of Jesus, 17. 26. This is a covenant contracted by the forefathers and bounding on everyone in the lineage of the family whosoever shares in the family blood bond. In the name of Jesus, Father, let every deadly evil arrow from Ancestral powers backfire. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. I command the spirit of death and hell to loose its hold upon my life, in the name of Jesus. I curse you spirit enforcing evil covenants in my life and I command you to release me, in Jesus' name. Every Even when they have been discarded or abandoned, their influence and manifestations are still great. The word of God made it clear in the book of Ezekiel that the sins of the fathers shall be on there head, therefore we must rise up and remind God of His word in prayers. 27. 19. Axe of Holy Ghost fire, uproot and break the entire evil covenant keeping me and my family away from what God has for us. This was the famous request of the disciples to the Lord Jesus Christ one day as He came down from the mountainside . And those who are aware of Gods power do not have the boldness or authority to summon it, so they remain subject to these Ancestral forces. In the name of Jesus, Father, let everything used to impersonate me in the village coven backfire. Every agent of darkness operating evil covenant in my family line, be arrested by fire in the name of Jesus. I render such incantations and 10. Every evil covenant operating in my life that attracts or brings venom of evil pattern in my life I cancel and erase you in the name of Jesus. initiation from the womb, break and scatter, 30. In the name of Jesus, Father, let every village herbalist sitting on the case of my familys advancement catch fire and perish by thunder. 4. Prophecies in the word of God don't just fulfill themselves, like that, we must . cooperate with me. 8. line, be silenced by the blood of Jesus. Father, I command every door of tragedy the devil have opened against me, to be shut forever in the name of Jesus. 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