Bring your client's ideas to life quickly and efficiently. Your typical email program has several options to simultaneously message more than one person. When you send an email to someone, you want action. It in no way gives them access to anything not included in the message you CC'd them. An example would be receiving an introduction from someone through email. Some apps will hide the "Cc" and "Bcc" fields until you click a button. Both features are available in Gmail and Outlook. Whether or not you reply should be determined case by case. Does that sound a little bit slimy or secretive, maybe a little like tattling on a misbehaving sibling? Cc stands for carbon copy, and means that recipients added to this field will get a copy of your message. Lets take a look at some appropriate and inappropriate ways to use this. CC stands for carbon copy, while BCC stands for blind carbon copy. Though these terms may have been immediately obvious when email was invented, theyre antiquated today. Generally, for bulk emails, the number of addresses is limited by ESPs (email service providers), to prevent suspicious activity. Note the number of contacts before sending an email. There are a few more things to note about the mechanics of CCing someone. Absolutely! Though these terms may have been immediately obvious when email was invented, they're antiquated today. The difference between the fields is that the primary recipient or any other recipient will not know that you BCCd someone on the email. To remove Bcc from your email, again go to the Options tab in the Show Fields group, and click Bcc. When writing an email, you can "Cc" someone to send them a copy of an email you've sent to someone else. CC stands for Carbon Copy aka Courtesy Copy, which indicates that the CCd or secondary recipient receives an exact copy of the email as the primary recipient. Bcc recipients can see To and CC recipients. While you are at it, check the area of the sender to check only ONE sender is in that space. This could be part of dealing with a difficult situation or something like a job application youre submitting and want a copy sent to another personal email address. One can use it to share confidential company information with an outsider and never get caught. The BCC field is meant for tertiary recipients whose emails are hidden from other email recipients. Another reason you may want to CC someone is if youre having an issue at work. Compare the best options for 2023. People are protective about their email addresses, so protect them by using BCC. A petty employee can also use it to expose a coworker to their boss. So, for example, if you emailed a subordinate at work about being late to the office and BCC'd your own boss to show her that you were being diligent about tardiness, your subordinate wouldn't know that her lateness was being pointed out to your own superior. That means they cant see who else you sent the message to. These days, BCC isn't just for email. He's also a go-to source for tech analysis on channels like Newsy, Cheddar, and NewsNation. Its a very simple task. Introductory emails are a common reason to use CC. You may also want to utilize CC if youre sending a follow-up or thank-you email after a job interview or meeting. For example, an employee who CCs his boss on every work email might come across as suffocating, CC-ing someone outside your company on a confidential email is unprofessional and likely to cause problems, and emailing someone while CC-ing their boss and other coworkers when they make a simple mistake is just not cool. Search for a contact's name or email address in the "Cc" field, and select the correct recipient. When you CC someone you're sending them one message. In this article, you will learn how to send email to multiple recipients without them seeing each other. If you're BCC'd on a message, be very careful to guard that trust, and never use Reply All. Do you click it AFTER you type in the main addressee? One would be to access the target's inbox in one way or another, and then simply look in the Sent items to find out who received a BCC message. Refresh if you want to submit another email. Write emails and messages faster across Google Chrome. Select File > Options > Mail. What is SSH Agent Forwarding and How Do You Use It? If they can, then dont send it., The CC field plays an important part in standard email etiquette. The CC and BCC fields when sending email work similarly. In this instance, your boss will be expected to respond.. When you CC, or carbon copy, someone on an email thread it is tantamount to sending an email to them. Learn more about in-line threading. Lets say youre having ongoing difficulties with a colleague or a third-party vendor. CC: is carbon copy. This will not delete any previous messages from their inbox. It can come in other forms as well. Lets first look at the definitions of Cc and Bcc. Do's and don'ts. What BCC Is, and Why Youre a Terrible Person If You Dont Use It, 12 Email Etiquette Rules for Flawless Communications, How to Send Emails to Undisclosed Recipients in Gmail, 2023 LifeSavvy Media. Bcc appears in the Send area of your email, below Cc. To send emails to small groups where everybody knows each other, use the Cc field. In other words, BCC is anything but impenetrable. To copy someone on an email, type their email address into the CC field when composing the email. The key is to ensure the email is relevant before CCing someone in. How-To Geek is where you turn when you want experts to explain technology. In these instances, all recipients are visible. A CC is common courtesy (see what we did there?) BCC should only be used when it isn't a personal email and you want to keep the receipts email private. You can add up to 100 CC recipients in Gmail. However, they are less sure about the two other options: CC: (carbon copy) and BCC: (blind carbon copy). Using BCC is often reserved for sharing with your boss a tricky customer communication, or sending an email to lots of people where you don't want each one to see the other's email address. Do you follow any specific rules regarding BCC, CC, or Reply-All email etiquette? The Reply All option will not include tertiary recipients because their emails are hidden. Customize all link previews to get up to 60% more clicks. Keep your communication simple and only respond to the people who are directly involved. When you CC a person, or several people, all those addresses and names will be visible to all other people included on the email (in the To field, CC field, and BCC field). You should also avoid including someone in CC who hasn't expressed a need to be included-or without stating in the email why you've looped them in. Then why do so many of us get it wrong? When in doubt, hit Reply and dont CC. When you send out an email you can add recipients email addresses to the To, CC or BCC fields. When should you BCC, CC, or Reply-All, anyway? Sending out . Community. However, you can also send . It could be an invoice, a request for help, applying for a job etc. You have access to delivery reports and campaign statistics. How do we manage this option? Using the Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) Feature in Email For security and privacy reasons, it is best to use the Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) feature when sending an email message to a large number of people. They are also not included in the conversation should it be continued. CCed emails can, in many cases, be filed away and stored. Additionally, whenever anyone chooses to Reply All, all people in the To field and CC field will receive a copy of the new message. Go to Options, and in the Show fields section, select Bcc. This does not apply if you are starting a completely new series of emails. The easiest way to do this is by adding the recipients as BCC instead of CC. Your job share partner might respond, but they dont have to. If youre dealing with problems within your work team, for example, you probably shouldnt BCC your manager, team leader, or colleagues without notifying them first and getting their permission. Outside of Insider, his writing has appeared in publications like Polygon, The Outline, Kotaku, and more. He keynoted the 2013 MarketingProfs University, and won the Entrepreneur Blogger of the Year award in 2015 from the Oxford Center for Entrepreneurs. This isnt a concrete rule, and usage of To and CC varies. Instead, let the Sender decide to send your reply to the others involved. If that message is a reply or forward that includes previous messages they will receive the entire contents of the message, including the older messages. Occasionally we need to send emails to more than one person. How do you say keep me in CC? Now you are ready to compose your email, and send it out. 400 Union Ave. Using the CC function is simple. CC stands for carbon copy, and functionally represents a copy of an email sent to another addressee. Go to Contacts, choose Home, and click New contact. Click it to open a new line for CC recipients. If you are unsure, only reply to the sender. just a reminder: No one would be able to see anyone elses email address. The carbon paper helped the ink or type move from the top sheet to the bottom, and presto, you had two copies of the same paperwork. Yes, all CCed recipients will see previous emails IF you are CCing someone on a pre-existing email thread (i.e. They cannot . And it has the biggest risk for pitfalls. Instead of using basic email for business promotion, companies send email campaigns via special services. If you didnt want the customer to see your bosss email address, youd put your bosss address in the BCC field instead. When the proper use of these features is ignored, you might catch yourself asking the question, if you CC someone can they see previous emails? The fact remains that not many can provide an answer to this question. Note that To is meant for the primary/intended recipients of the email, and they are usually expected to respond. You should also avoid including someone in CC who hasnt expressed a need to be includedor without stating in the email why youve looped them in. Oops! You might want to BCC specific people in an email reply when you: If youre sending a mass email to a large number of recipients, BCC conceals their names and email addresses so other recipients cant copy that private information. This lets them see what you sent without stepping into the email chain. Haley Walden is an intuitive brand voice copywriter who helps thought leaders and innovative brands position themselves as industry experts, influencers, and visionaries in their fields. It should soon become clear how it all works! CCd people get the email just like people in the To field, and have all the same power and visibility. You can also add new attachments if needed. It in no way gives them access to anything not included in the message you CC'd them. As the name suggests, "Bcc" keeps the recipients' emails hidden. Click on it AFTER the message is typed? Jayson is a long-time columnist for Forbes, Entrepreneur, BusinessInsider,, and various other major media publications, where he has authored over 1,000 articles since 2012, covering technology, marketing, and entrepreneurship. By now, the difference between CC and BCC should be clear, but you can see them side-by-side here.. This might be because of GDPR. This will show you what part of the thread and previous emails the CCd recipient will get, and you can then remove the parts you dont want them to see. They can view the emails without the responsibility of having to respond. For example, A sends an email to C and D. C replies to the email, and D replies as well, but CCs E and F. Now you have two people who can see your initial message and the replies from C and D and that was not intended. Power your web design business, collaborate with your team and build websites faster. The CC and BCC fields when sending email work similarly. To hide addresses, use the Bcc field, just like the Cc field. If you no longer want to see the Recent People suggestions, you can turn off the Auto-Complete List. iPhone 5, iOS 7.0.1. . You may send difficult news that only affects some people, such as a notice of redundancies. The To and CC fields work similarly. But, its important to understand the etiquette and politics involved when you do so. Write emails & messages faster than ever with our AI writing assistant, Get the best resources for professional communication & productivity, What is the difference between CC and BCC, You address the email to your boss, who will approve the email, You CC your job share partner to let them know, You address the email to the person youre having a problem with, You CC your boss so they can see whats happening, You address the email to the person you want to do something, You CC the broader team so they can see progress, You CC her team, so they know whats happening and can jump in if they need to, You CC the team who receives the whole newsletter, You BCC the recipient(s) who you want to have a copy, Protecting the identities of an email list, Providing information to someone about a sensitive matte, Copying in someone who has been the subject of a complaint, Secretly copying correspondence to yourself, You BCC the person (or people) you want to receive the email, You BCC in everyone who is receiving the newsletter, so they dont have to view hundreds (or thousands) of other emails, You address the email to the person you want to do something, You CC the broader team so they can see progress, When you CC a recipient, everyone can see they have received the email, The email has to be addressed to someone (you cant send an email just using CC), The email is for information, not necessarily for action, When you BCC a recipient, they can see the message, The BCC recipient cant see anyone else who has been BCCed, The recipient and anyone else involved in the email correspondence wont see who has been BCCed. One concern stressed by those who email me is the unfortunate situation of having an email conversation with one party who then takes the liberty to Cc: others on their reply. If so, some addressees will not receive your message. We will look at the main steps in accomplishing this goal using Gmail and Outlook. Click it to open a new line for CC recipients. Besides avoiding confusion and commotion in the workplace, there are many important reasons to understand and apply the proper use of CC and bCC when sending emails especially work emails that contain confidential information (or juicy office gossip). CC, in its full form, stands for Carbon Copy, a function that allows you to send a single email to multiple contacts. Or can they only view messages from the point when they were added? Complete the To field by inserting the . He's written about technology for over a decade and was a PCWorld columnist for two years. Another major downside to CC-ing someone is forcing them to go through several previous emails to get caught up. When you CC people on an email, the CC list is visible to all other recipients. 7 The CC field stands for carbon copy; the BCC field stands for blind carbon copy. Type it in BEFORE you type the message? The #1 WordPress Theme & Visual Page Builder, The Best Theme for Bloggers and Online Publications, The Ultimate Email Opt-In Plugin for WordPress, Posted on April 19, 2020 by Haley Walden 1 Comment. Or maybe you're a company trying to contact many customers about an important issue. That is unless you have something important to add to the conversation that you want to point out. Cc stands for Carbon Copy. Stay on top of the new way to organize a space. Why would you want to do this? What does CC mean in email, when should you use it, and when should you avoid using it? Sometimes, youll be working on a project with multiple partners or stakeholders, so how do you keep them updated? 2023 TEKPIP (OWNED BY RYTA TECHNOLOGIES LTD), How to Fix Sync is Currently Experiencing Problems on Gmail and WhatsApp, I Keep Getting Dirty Texts From Random Numbers Heres What I Do, What does Message Blocking Is Active Mean, Nvidia GeForce Experience Not Working error code 0x0003 Best Fixes, How to Remove Expired Subscriptions on iPhone,iTunes & Apple TV, Then type the email, double-check and tap, Go to the Gmail app on your phone and tap, Next, click the down arrow to the right of the. So why would you ever use CC instead of To? They may need to check the specific setting for your account. cc is basically fyi. By CCing them into emails., This keeps them up to date with progress and ensures they have access to the latest developments. Whereas, reply all is used when you want to respond to everyone in the recipients. CC is often used as a verb, as in I CCd him on the email., Image Credit: Holger Ellgaard on Wikimedia Commons. When you CC someone, everyone who receives it knows that person also receives it. When you CC someone you're sending them one message. You'll have 5, 10, 20, or 30 . Thank you. Do you have any questions about the service? CC (carbon copy) those who need to be aware of an issue. While "To" and "Cc" recipients will receive replies going forward, "Bcc" recipients won't. They'll only receive the initial email. Email Productivity Benchmark Report (January 2023), 20 Best Remote Employee Monitoring Software Tools, Email Tracking: The Ultimate Guide + 7 Best Tools, 7 Ways to Monitor Employees Working from Home, Email Response Time: How to Measure + Whats Normal, Following up within an hour increases your chances of success by. In Gmail, you can CC up to 100 recipients in any one email. All Rights Reserved. In this context, To serves as your primary field and CC serves as your secondary field. However, there are some problems with this messaging style. Your email address will not be published. Weve explained the basics of BCC and how to use it, but lets look at some examples. If you include the email address of another individual in the CC line, that person will receive a copy of the email you send to the people in the To field. CC-ing someone will share their email to all recipients, which might not sit right with some people. In Gmail, click Compose to create a new email. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, so joining is Risk-Free! Let us know in the comments! Just be careful here; as we'll see, you can keep someone "in the loop" for bad reasons, too. You can see some reasons why you may want to CC someone in an email below. 4. Can you CC someone after the email is sent? Here's the simplest explanation of CC and BCC and how theyre different. This protects both you and your recipients from privacy violations. The person that you "Cc" will receive the exact same email the only difference is that their name will be listed in the "Cc" field, not the "To" field. This kind of abrupt disclosure has resulted in countless tense office scenarios. Imagine waking up in the morning, getting ready for work, and arriving at the office, only to find that theres no seat for you. Just enter emails into the "Cc" and "Bcc" fields without putting anything in the "To" field, and it'll still send. CC and BCC are both ways of sending copies of an email to additional people. Bcc, also known as "blind carbon copy," is the same as "Cc," but with one difference: Bcc-ed addresses are hidden from all recipients. Build any type of website with Divi. 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